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#20171 First I used this tutorial to guide me, ,was able to flash the electrodragon.bin successfully and setup at TCP server just to test everything.

Then flashed the transparent bridge .bin files to the correct offsets. 0x00000.bin to 0x00000 and 0x40000 to 0x40000

When trying to at least do a +++AT test I got nothing, usually when I bring the PD pin HIGH (any firmware) I would get at least get some garbage. Well I got some garbage but could never read it in any buad rate.
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By ArnieO
THLL wrote:First I used this tutorial to guide me, ,was able to flash the electrodragon.bin successfully and setup at TCP server just to test everything.

Then flashed the transparent bridge .bin files to the correct offsets. 0x00000.bin to 0x00000 and 0x40000 to 0x40000

When trying to at least do a +++AT test I got nothing, usually when I bring the PD pin HIGH (any firmware) I would get at least get some garbage. Well I got some garbage but could never read it in any buad rate.

You must use TELNET via wifi to give the +++AT commands, not the serial FTDI interface.
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#20189 Gotcha use telnet, got it working, thank you. As for uploading a sketch can I just use the avrdude -c avrisp -p m328p -P net: -F -U flash:w:mySketch.hex:i? (Are all the other files having to do with the esp sdk?)
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#20191 Totally works thanks a bunch, now to figure out the remote reset. As for the bridge goes does the sent .hex file get stored on the esp then the arduino pulls it on reset?

@bjpirt no idea how to get yours working (I get the html part) but what do I do with all those makefiles?