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By xxcn
#20252 You can always use an external text editor for your source files and only use the Arduino IDE for building and flashing. This can be done with the GUI or from command line, see this.

I am pretty sure you can configure Eclipse (or some other C/C++ IDE) for your sketches, but that's probably too much fiddling.

I personally use a plain-text editor and use a terminal for building and uploading. Also this.
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By tytower
xxcn wrote:You can always use an external text editor for your source files and only use the Arduino IDE for building and flashing. This can be done with the GUI or from command line, see this.

Despite trying I have never been able to get this working-have you?
When set to true, use an external editor (the IDE does not allow editing and reloads each file before verifying).

There seems to be something I am not understanding .