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By dbear
#21533 I am getting a constant blue light when I put my esp01 into program mode(gpio0 low) and reset.
Arduino ide shows "error:espcomm open failed". When I look at it in putty I see
"Fatal exception (0):
epc1=0x40100000, epc2=0x00000000, epc3=0x00000000, excvaddr=0x00000000, depc=0x0 "
repeated ad nauseum ;)

I thought "It must need a healthy reflash" I tried to get ESP8266 Flash Downloader to work. I get
"connecting ....
Failed to connect"

I would suspect a fried module but I've tried three modules and all do the same thing. All of them work fine in run mode (gpio0 high) two of them in default AT command mode and one that was previously programmed at work to be a gpio web server. They respond exactly as they should.

I am using win xp sp3, Arduino IDE 1.6.5 (after completely cleaning out the older IDE's), Putty at 76800 to see debug
I am using a board I made using a 1 amp regulator (ams 1117 3.3) with a 100uF cap in parallel
It has a switch to set gpio0 to ground or 3.3v
It has a cap and resistor POR circuit on the RST line with a pushbutton to ground.
The tx line on the usb converter is voltage divided before going to the esp8266 rx.
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By dbear
#21548 Well I figured out the ID10T error on that one. I had GPIO2 to ground instead of GPIO0/ This caused the blue light and the error at the default baud rate.


When I flash the blink example to a board it blinks ant then quits. No steady blink like expected.

Tried hello world example. Woked great!

Solved. Hope this helps someone out.