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By PabloFondo
#21555 Hi everybody!
I have a problem with my ESP8266 (ESP-03).
I have followed the instructions to install the virtual machine enviroment( I have used the esp_iot_sdk_1.1.2( and tried with IoT_Demo example and at example too.
After I get the binaries (eagle.flash.bin and eagle.irom0text.bin) I download them to the esp8266 with to 0x00000 and eagle.irom0text.bin to 0x40000). I have used esptool because I'm using linux.
Everything went without errors, after that I put the esp8266 in normal mode again(disconnect GPIO0) and I restarted it. The problem is that nothing happens now.
I know that the ESP8266 is not broken because if I download to it another firmware ( with the esptool it works as expected.
Does anyone know what could be happening?