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By reaper7
#1481 @zarya - tnx for info

You're suggesting that scan & connect code put before Your
Code: Select all  uart0_sendStr("Setting MUX to 1:");
  at_setupCmdCipmux(15, "=1");


One more question...
Where in AT example is part of code responsible for connect to the last "programmed" network?

little OT, about Your gist for GPIO0 as INPUT with interrupt, it is works?
key.h contains only key_init(); key_intr_handler(int8_t key); void some_timerfunc(void *arg);
or something more?
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By mharizanov
#2133 @zarya thanks for sharing this, I am toying with the code and woks well except the following:

1) upon booting the LED flickers as if the bootloader is spitting serial stuff out of it. This makes it unsuitable for controlling relay for example as upon boot it will flip it for few ms

2) When I have a 3V SSR attached to GPIO2, the module doesn't boot. I guess it hangs at the bootloader with the blue LED on..

Any tips on how to fix these?