Current Lua downloadable firmware will be posted here

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By Markus Gritsch
#14082 I did a fresh install of CERTS 2.0.2 toolchain, cleaned the NodeMCU repository, and made a new build, and now it links without an error. Yay!

Maybe some old compilation output was not cleaned up previously, but it' working fine now :)

EDIT: Alas, I forgot I had the math module commented out... still does not fit with it enabled :(
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By dkdileep
#21811 I was able to fix this issue by following these steps
a) Update WINDOWS Registry to allow Case Sensitive file system (REBOOT)
b) Open Bash, Mount working folder to a Unix like path. mount c:/_iot /usr/_iot -o binary,posix=1.
c) Clear mangled PATH variable, retaining just the Cygwin bits and Xtensa bits
export PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:PATH-to-xtensa-elf-bin
d) Do a 'make clean' just in case

Builds consistently now without the 'will not fit' message.