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By OliverNZ
#21920 Hey,

So more trials and tribulations. So tried a PL2303 and that seemed to be better at 1st but back to the issues again. I also welded up a ESP-12E to try if it was just the unit that was broken but nope it's still there.

So tried loading Nodemcu and just gets to between 3-9% and then fails. Arduino IDE seems to load but when restarting I just get Fatal Errors (0) and (29).

One thing is odd. When I hook up everything to the ESP the voltage accross VCC and GND drops to about 2.7-3.05V. Is that correct? Or am I doing something wrong with powering the ESP? I have a 5v 2A power source and an LM1117 and a few caps either side. With nothing hooked up a perfect 3.299V

Cheers Oliver
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By Stoney
#21952 that should do the job, I found that I get a lot of non responsive esp8266's without. at least a 220u cap on the regulator output, 100u was unsufficient.
LM1117 are a very copied IC, you might have a chinese clone incapable of the full current, I have come across them.
I would be measuring the current going into your reg, use a 10A range though, multimeters on sub amp ranges have substantial series resistance.
Decent wires, no breadboard ? you might be getting a voltage drop somewhere.
Since the first thing the ESP does is start an access point, your comms issues may not being helped by poor power supply.