Example sketches for the new Arduino IDE for ESP8266

Moderator: igrr

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By jimmayhugh
#20373 Lots of updates...

Manual or Automatic:
If the board is set to manual, you can manually control the switch settings as outlined here. If set to Automatic, the switches are controlled by the Automatic Temp Control settings as set below. If you have an LCD attached, the current state is displayed.
The command is:
Code: Select allMA = Automatic Mode
MM = manual mode

Automatic Temp Control:
You can now set an upper and lower temperature that will control the two switches. If the temp exceeds the upper setting, switch 1 will turn on, if it goes below the lower setting, switch 2 will turn on.
The command is
Code: Select allUC"temp" = sets the upper temperature to "temp" in degrees Celsius
UF"temp" = sets the upper temperature to "temp" in degrees Fahrenheit
LC"temp" = sets the lower temperature to "temp" in degrees Celsius
LF"temp" = sets the lower temperature to "temp" in degrees Fahrenheit

There's currently no delay available before turning on the switches, so care should be used if you are thinking about using this to control a device that can't be constantly recycled, such as a fridge.

Everything is also now save in EEPROM, and is read when the ESP8266 powers up.

The updated code is as my github.
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By Jram
#21918 In my Case, Jimmy, it's hard to comment since I'm still waiting for my 12s to arrive. Please don't equate lack of comment to lack of interest :)