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By noisette
#22095 Hi everyone
doas anybody has already tried to use an ESP8266 as a DMX sender / receiver
I'm trying to use mine as DMX sender, but no libs are working and I tried this code whiwh works on a teensy :
Code: Select all  Serial1.begin(83333, SERIAL_8N1);
  Serial1.begin(250000, SERIAL_8N2);
  Serial1.write(buffer, sizeof(buffer));

but no DMX out from my GPIO2 :/

have you some ideas ?

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By RichardS
#22101 I will be interested to see this work also.... ARTNET and the like would be cool too!

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By martinayotte
#22159 DMX protocol is defined as a serial break, followed by a 0x00 byte start code, than followed by 512 dimmer's value slots.
This stream need to be repeated forever.
This means your code need to replicated this protocol in a loop.
In ESP8266, I don't know if there is an API to send the serial break, but if it is not provided, maybe it can be simulated with GPIO states.