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By OliverNZ
#22135 *duh* moment

So I am using those white square hobbies to get the .1 pinout. And yeah I missed that that already does some pull down and ups on that natively. So I "double added" stuff. That would have caused all sorts of weird issues. So pulled all out and started with very basic wiring and voila uploaded (tried both ESP-12 and ESP-12E.

I think it needed a full moon to get resolved ;-)
So sorry. I'll go outside and howl at that thing for a while now just to get rid of all that frustration ;-)
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By OliverNZ
#22186 Looks like I was too quick to rejoice. I have patchy luck uploading Lua with and no luck with Arduino IDE. It looks like it's going into a reboot loop. I'll do some googling before I go into more detail.
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By OliverNZ
#22556 Ok, so got a little bit farther with this. Still doing my head in though. I switched to my Xubuntu box just to make sure it's not the Mac. So Arduino IDE 1.6.5 and latest ESP board.

So I have these ESP-12 dev boards, the yellow ones (https://austinlightguy.files.wordpress. ... /espxx.jpg). That works fine via the FTDI. No issues at all.

Just my ESP-12 and ESP-12E on a white adapter board doesn't. Connections are:

VCC--> 3.3V (LM1117 & 100uF)
CH_PD--> 100Ohm (and 10k as installed on adapter)
GPIO0--> GND (when flashing)

So the Upload from Arduino IDE looks perfect all flashing lights and dots but when I take GPIO0 to floating and start then nothing happens. Just garbage to the terminal. I did see some Fatal error (0) at some point. I am guessing although it tells me Flashing is underway it actually doesn't and there's nothing to load.

So I am now officially blinkered and need help. Can't see trees for the wood.

Thanks for any help!

P.S. I doubt it's power. That seems stable enough (better than the yellow board thingies)
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By Stoney
#22609 can you read the terminal garbage now it is on linux ?

I still suspect power .. the new chips try to start an AP when the already used chips don't .. I assume this is on a breadboard, it is uploading so at that point the AP has not started, as soon as you reboot without the upload its drawing large currents again.
Yesterday I was mucking around with an ESP12 that I have used, I had no hassles on, as soon as I changed to a brand new ESP01 on the breadboard the exact same software started rebooting immediately until I soldered a 220u cap to the actual module pins.
Then my software disabled the access point and since then it has been up for 2 days straight, I bet I could remove the cap now if I wanted to.

I dunno, just 99% of any problems I have had have been related to the power required and the arduino IDE just fails to upload if anything is wrong at that stage, it is not failing therefore I would assume it is working and verified.. until you hit the reset button.
I think the only other pita issue I have had was tiny solder dag between GPIO0 and GPIO2 ... you cannot get that to program period..

Soldered wires >> breadboard and you can never have too much decoupling on the rails.
Seriously though, that garbage you are seeing on the terminal is probably giving you some great info if you get the baud rate correct..
I have never connected at 74.5k or whatever it is in reality, only ever used 76800 to check it and not seen a single corrupted text string yet, so I would work with that value personally. The driver may prefer it since it is a 'real' baud rate despite being a legacy one.