- Mon Nov 16, 2015 5:11 pm
Thanks so much the post Torx.
It worked great for me. More importantly I learned a lot working through your code.
Working on Windows, I needed an alternative to the shell script.
I've never programmed in Python so I thought I would give it a try.
It's probably pretty clunky but I will include it here in the hopes that
it will be useful to others.
I'm running Python 3.4 on my computer.
1.Paste it into an new IDOL file.
2.Change the target directory to your target directory.
3.Make sure you have a /website sub directory.
4.Run it.
Code: Select all#! python3
import os
import sys
# Set-up the directories
os.chdir('C:\\path\\to\\your\\target\\directory') # <---Change this
CURDIR = os.getcwd()
OUTFILE = CURDIR + "\\website.h"
WEBSITE = "./website"
# Some predefined strings for the output file
header = '''//
// converted websites to mainly flash variables
#include "Flash.h"
arrayPreamble = 'FLASH_ARRAY(uint8_t, file_'
structurePrototype = '''
struct t_websitefiles {
const char* filename;
const char* mime;
const unsigned int len;
const _FLASH_ARRAY<uint8_t>* content;
} files[] = {
# Mime type - file extension is converted to lower before lookup
mimeDictionary = {'.jpg':'image/jpeg', '.jpeg':'image/jpeg', '.gif':'image/gif', '.css':'text/css', '.js':'application/javascript',
'.png':'image/png', '.htm':'text/html', '.html':'text/html', '.txt':'text/plain','.ico':'image/x-icon'}
BytesPerRow = 20 # This determines how wide the file will be
fileIndex = 0
if os.path.isdir(WEBSITE):
outFile = open(OUTFILE,'w')
files = [f for f in os.listdir(os.curdir) if os.path.isfile(f)] # All the files in the current directory
print("Processed files :")
for f in files:
outFile.write(arrayPreamble + str(fileIndex) + ',\n ')
fp = open(f,'rb')
fileLength = os.fstat(fp.fileno()).st_size
totalWritten = 0
bytesWrittenToRow = 0
while totalWritten < fileLength - 1 :
b = fp.read(1)
outFile.write(hex(b[0]) + ',')
bytesWrittenToRow += 1
totalWritten +=1
if bytesWrittenToRow >= BytesPerRow :
outFile.write('\n ')
bytesWrittenToRow = 0
b = fp.read(1)
outFile.write(hex(b[0]) + '\n);\n\n')
fileIndex += 1
fileIndex = 0
for f in files:
extension = os.path.splitext(f)[1]
extension = extension.lower()
fileLength = os.stat(f).st_size
fileType = mimeDictionary.get(extension,None)
if fileType is None:
import ctypes # An included library with Python install.
ctypes.windll.user32.MessageBoxA(0, b"Unknown file type", b"File Error", 0)
outFile.write("-------------Unknown File Type <" + extension + "> Found----------------")
os.chdir('..') # Change back to the parent directory
outFile.write(' {\n')
outFile.write(' .filename = "' + f + '",\n')
outFile.write(' .mime = "' + fileType + '",\n')
outFile.write(' .len = ' + str(fileLength) + ',\n')
outFile.write(' .content = &file_' + str(fileIndex) + '\n },\n')
fileIndex += 1
os.chdir('..') # Change back to the parent directory
print(WEBSITE +" Directory not found")