I want to read the 3,3 volt so I added this code:
extern "C" {
#include "user_interface.h"
uint16 readvdd33(void);
and made :
void readVdd()
char buf[6]; // temporary buffer
float vdd = readvdd33()/1000.0;
dtostrf( vdd, 1 ,3, buf); // convert float to string
sendStrXY(buf,7,10); // print string on OLED
I call readVdd() in setup() and it perfectly prints the string on the display, so far so good but only in setup().
When I do this in the loop then the ESP resets most of the time with message: wdt reset ... etc .... etc
no difference if I ommit the dtostrf() and sendStrXY() functions, the vdd = readvdd33()/1000.0 make the ESP crash.
Is this a feature or is this not (yet) fully implemented in the ESP add-on ?