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By kenn
AlexPilk wrote:Arduino's Serial Monitor gives me this: ~˜þžþž`žøž†ž~ž€ž``üæžþžþžøž†æ€˜€

That's sort of good news. It suggests you have output, and the right serial connections; you just need to figure out the baud rate. Is this a factory fresh ESP-01? Also... does that Arduino have an upper limit for accepted baudrates?

It's commonly known that the ESPs put out 'junk' til they finish booting, then they communicate at their target serial rate. I've just ignored it, but some users, including this one, state that the initial junk is actually debug info at 74880 baud (a not common rate).
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By kenn
AlexPilk wrote:Wow, got "Goodnight moon!" at 57600! But when I enter AT in the Serial Monitor and click send it just disappears.

cool! 8-)

Try something like 'AT+RST\r\n'. You'll have to consult your terminal's documentation for how to send \n and \r or make it your default.
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By AlexPilk
#23175 It just disappears after I click Send. Could that mean that I burned the RX pin? Because if I get "Goodnight Moon!" the TX pin should be doing fine, right?