Example sketches for the new Arduino IDE for ESP8266

Moderator: igrr

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By ian
#23655 willfly,

Looks nice :) I thought I'd try this out as I have some of these displays too.
Can you advise what/where "helper.h" is?
I seem to be missing something

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By willfly
ian wrote:willfly,

Looks nice :) I thought I'd try this out as I have some of these displays too.
Can you advise what/where "helper.h" is?
I seem to be missing something


My apologies, I added and removed helper, and since I build outside Arduino IDE (Notepad++), compiler didn't complain about missing file. It was to figure out module restart mode - especially to know if WDT kicked us out. I have uploaded it to github.
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By willfly

I added a BMP180 to mine friday and 3d printed a case but having issues with the heating from the esp01 warming the case and giving me readings 4c or so high

I had issue with ESP-07 heating up too. I added vent holes and changed operation mode from AP+STA to STA to enable LIGHT_SLEEP_T to happen. It runs a lot cooler now. My plan B was to switch Radio ON/OFF using deepsleep API, but so far I don't think that is needed.