Chat here is you are connecting ESP-xx type modules to existing AVR based Arduino

Moderator: igrr

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By NiclasIvarsson
#23958 Do you have the correct settings in the board.txt file. Flashing "qio" or "dio". My ESP-12 where of dio-kind while my ESP-1 where qio, which is the default settings for the Arduino IDE...
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By trademarkprojects
#24103 I have not modified any of the boards.txt stuff. I assume it is right because I installed the ESP libraries developed here and the board shows up in the list. Since I don't receive any (even jumbled) data at all, I think my communication is wrong. I suspect a hardware/schematic issue. I'll give the boards file a look when I can.

Anyone have a good schematic of what it would take to get communication through an Arduino UNO? I don't have an FTDI like I said, but I have heard it can be done.
