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By nemik
ematson5897 wrote:For some reason it started working when I changed the uploader to DIO flash instead of QIO flash. Also have there been issues with some of them having GPIO 4 and 5 switched? Mine are flip flopped from all the pinouts on the web

The ones I have are the same way with GPIO 4 and 5 flipped, it was a real pain in the ass in the beginning.
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By kolban
#24247 Howdy tytower,
What I did was download the document:


which can be found here:

It is a spreadsheet. I then went to the tab called "Strapping" which is the bootstrapping information.

There you will find the following data:

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By flagtrax
#33958 The pair I'm having issues with have exactly the same outputs as above. ...well one does, and I assume the other did, until I tried to flash it. I've tried every conceivable suggested GPIO configuration, and nodemcu flasher settings without success.