Downloading and installing the new Arduino IDE for ESP8266

Moderator: igrr

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By tlerdrden
#24304 ]Hi Forum!

I have an ESP8266 v 12 and I would run some sketches. It seems that I can upload sketches properly, but I can´t see any message in the COM Port of the Arduino IDE when I go to the normal mode.

I just change the GPIO from low to float / high mode.

What do you suggest?

Thanks, :lol:

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By kolban
#24307 Howdy ...
Maybe post the sketch you are using? Also, a schematic and/or a photo of your wiring would also be useful.

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By tlerdrden
kolban wrote:Howdy ...
Maybe post the sketch you are using? Also, a schematic and/or a photo of your wiring would also be useful.


Ok, here it goes...


- I am using an FTDI / USB B75937 chip. (I found some problems with this converter here

- ESP8266 v12.

- Sketch can be uploaded properly (blue led blinks), and the Arduino IDE message returns UPLOADED.

- Run mode seems to work (I have tested the blink example).

- I can see the chip with a WIFI Scanner program, and I can make ping.


- Webserver doesn´t work (I write on my browser the IP of the ESP8266 but nothing appears).

- No printed messages with the serial.print of the Arduino IDE.

Electrical details:

1. RST connected to RESET of the FTDI / USB converter.
2. 3.3V connected to GPIO2 / VCC / CHPD / GPIO0 (just for nomal mode)
3. GND to GND / GPIO0 (just for flash) / GPIO15
4. TXD to RXD / RXD to TXD.
5. Furthermore, I am using two 1.5V batteries (I read that the current consumption of these modules is too high for Wifi to be supplied just for the USB port)
6. led connected to gpio13.

Any ideas? Should I change the batteries?

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By kolban
#24315 For a normal boot, bring GPIO 0 high. It may not be sufficient to let it float. What (if anything) is written to the UART connected to the Arduino IDE?

My experience is that there are TWO UARTs on the ESP-12. One is the instance you used to flash the device labeled RX and TX. The second UART is a transmit only ... and is used primarily for debugging. This is where I find log messages are written. The TX for UART1 is multi plexed with GPIO2. When I am developing with the ESP-12, I run TWO USB->UART converters. One connected to the TX/RX for flashing and the other connected to UART1 for logging.

It may be that your diagnostics are being written to UART1.