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By TylerDurden
#24358 The chip will enter this sleep mode if it is activated and there are no ongoing transfers. I measures around 4-5 ma current consumption when in this mode with my module.

extern "C" {
void system_phy_set_max_tpw(uint8 max_tpw);
#include "user_interface.h"


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By jonny5alive
#24536 Thank you.

I got 4 days from my temperature/humidity sensor, 4 AA batteries, and sending data every 30 seconds. Much better than expected, and I'm sure if I needed to I could optimise that more. Perhaps by storing data and sending it in groups hourly, or venturing into deep sleep modes.
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By PaulRB
#24630 Hi, could you explain this a little further please?

I would like to achieve the following:

I currently have an ESP-01 running a sketch that reads a couple of sensors and sends the the results to a remote server using HTTP GET, passing the sensor readings as parameters to a PHP script on the server. Standard stuff. This process takes < 5 secs. Then I want it to sleep for 5 mins before the next reading.

I have read about deep sleep, but the only way to achieve this, as far as I can tell, is to make hardware mods to the ESP-01 that are beyond my skill with a soldering iron.

So could this light sleep offer me an attractive compromise? If so, what do I do in place of delay(300000UL) ?

