The use of the ESP8266 in the world of IoT

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By mithun.harikumar
#22829 Hi,
I'm trying to do OTA update with the help of rboot on my custom firmware. Unfortunately I'm unable to perform the update. Even the sample-rboot ota example is not working. In the sample project, I'm getting the error ' connection timeout' and then followed by 'firmware update failed'. By entering help followed by connect, ( to connect to wifi) , I'm getting retry , error status is jumping between 1 and 3.
When I try to OTA update my custom firmware, I'm getting the same error like, Connection failed and firmware update failed.
What is it that I'm doing wrong.
Thank you.
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By rab
#24605 From the network status you're reporting you aren't managing to connect to a wifi AP, so you won't be able to perform an OTA. Did you set the SSID and password in the header file before compiling?