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By kolban
#25056 Could you post a schematic of your setup and ideally a picture?

What are you using for serial connection? What pins are connected to what other pins as it relates to the serial connector?

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By Ben Baron
#25118 Thanks for the reply. The strange thing is, I haven't changed anything with my setup, and I was able to use the serial monitor before.

I'm doing the serial connection using the same FTDI cable I program with, which has worked in the past.

I'll post the wiring details when I get home and can confirm them.
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By Ben Baron
kolban wrote:Could you post a schematic of your setup and ideally a picture?

What are you using for serial connection? What pins are connected to what other pins as it relates to the serial connector?


Here's a list of what pins are wired to what (I've left out any pins not connected to anything):

GPIO0 - ground
GPIO2 - 3.3v
GPIO15 - ground
GND - ground
REST - FTDI green wire
CH_PD - 3.3v
VCC - 3.3v
GPIO13 - a 51ohm resistor in series with a red led was connected to GPIO13

The power is supplied by a 5v power supply running to a 3.3v linear regular.

And here's a few photos (note that the resistor/led aren't hooked up in these photos because they're on my other test rig):
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By kolban
#25139 Howdy,
I wonder what the "FTDI green wire" is connected to? Why have you not connected the REST to +ve? My understanding is that when REST goes to ground, the device resets. When you activate your USB -> UART, that may be driving REST low and resetting the device. I didn't see TX and RX described as connected in your description. What do you believe that the connection to REST is doing for you?
