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By Mondo90
#25364 Hello,

I wanted to flash this app -> using Eclipse and Espressif. The first problem is it doesn't has headers which it uses, i.e #include "ets_sys.h" but that file doesn't exist there. I found all those missing files in other projects , copied them and try to compile again. Unfortunately, problems again, this time very long list of errors like this one : "undefined reference to `os_printf_plus'".

What's wrong? It's very frustrating when you download code that supposed to works in a certain way and it turns out that it doesn't even compile ;(

I don't know why people publish code like this one .
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By martinayotte
#25369 Files such are located in sdk/include/, and the undefined symbols are in sdk/lib/.
People publishing their application code don't provide the SDK themselves, it is up to you to install it and tweak the Makefile accordingly to your installation, in this case here :

SDK_BASE ?= /opt/Espressif/ESP8266_SDK
EXTRA_INCDIR = include /opt/Espressif/include
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By scargill
#25378 If I may humbly suggest.... TuanPM of MQTT for ESP8266 fame has done a bridge between Arduino and ESP8266 and that just rocks - might be worth a glance?

Peter Scargill