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By brutzler
#25431 tried a little bit for my own:

Saw, that there is a spiffs.h lib in:

Regarding to this doc: I used some commands like SPIFFS.begin();

But I only get a 'SPIFFS' was not declared in this scope
Adding a #include "spiffs.h" --> fatal error: spiffs.h: No such file or directory

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By martinayotte
#25438 "spiffs" folder is the low level implementation, and it is not part of the include path, so that's why you got the "no such file" error. you need to do #include "spiffs/spiffs.h", but it won't help much since this the low level and the SPIFFS object is declared in FS.h, which is one the files added in the commits 4 days ago. So, the only way is to get the merge done.

EDIT: I've jumped into the water ! :)
I've done manual merge, partially trivial, but few pitfalls.
Also, the new FS layer still has some conflicts with SdFat library, so I had to comment every SdFat code in my Sketch_Buffer.
Then, Bingo ! I got the SPIFFS working ! :D
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By brutzler
#25440 OK.

FS.h & Co is in Arduino-esp8266\hardware\esp8266com\esp8266\cores\esp8266
I copied all files of this folder into C:\Users\brutzler\AppData\Roaming\Arduino15\packages\esp8266\hardware\esp8266\1.6.5-947-g39819f0\cores\esp8266

And also renewed the libraries from github into

Adding a #include <FS.h> and using SPIFFS.begin();
This result after compiling:
Code: Select allC:\Users\brutzler\AppData\Local\Temp\build2444964486568525425.tmp/core.a(spiffs_api.cpp.o):(.text._ZN10SPIFFSImpl9_tryMountEv[_ZN10SPIFFSImpl9_tryMountEv]+0x14): undefined reference to `SPIFFS_buffer_bytes_for_filedescs'
C:\Users\brutzler\AppData\Local\Temp\build2444964486568525425.tmp/core.a(spiffs_api.cpp.o):(.text._ZN10SPIFFSImpl9_tryMountEv[_ZN10SPIFFSImpl9_tryMountEv]+0x18): undefined reference to `SPIFFS_buffer_bytes_for_cache'
C:\Users\brutzler\AppData\Local\Temp\build2444964486568525425.tmp/core.a(spiffs_api.cpp.o): In function `SPIFFSImpl::_tryMount()':
C:\Users\brutzler\AppData\Roaming\Arduino15\packages\esp8266\hardware\esp8266\1.6.5-947-g39819f0\cores\esp8266/spiffs_api.cpp:129: undefined reference to `SPIFFS_buffer_bytes_for_filedescs'
C:\Users\brutzler\AppData\Roaming\Arduino15\packages\esp8266\hardware\esp8266\1.6.5-947-g39819f0\cores\esp8266/spiffs_api.cpp:120: undefined reference to `SPIFFS_buffer_bytes_for_cache'
collect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status