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By brutzler
#25448 Good idea. No errors on compiling.
Will go on testing it.

Also, the new FS layer still has some conflicts with SdFat library, so I had to comment every SdFat code in my Sketch_Buffer.

This (Resolve naming conflicts between FS and SD library ) was not the solution for your prob?
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By martinayotte
#25451 That is the commit done 4 days ago, it is merged.
Maybe there are no conflict between FS.h and SD.h, but SdFat is a completely different library, much more better than the old SD.
But the issues is having both FS.h and SdFat.h included, there still some clash of having 2 kind of "File" class definitions, the one from SPIFFS is tiny, and the other provided much more to support FAT filesystem.
Probably IGRR will need to look at it ... :?
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By brutzler
#25458 Ok so far.

But I am just guessing how this SPIFFS is helping me with my project, to store larger websites?
Comparing with an SD-Card, I can not put it out of the system and store the file on it.

I was looking for a possibility, to edit a larger website with an external editor, and put it somehow (with hopefully not much work) into the flash of the ESP. And from there it can be read out from the webserver.
Perhaps I do not see clearly through the possibilities of SPIFFS? :shock:
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By martinayotte
#25464 I'm not really understanding your question ... :?
Both SDCard or SPIFFS can fill your requirements, but SPIFFS has much smaller space than SDCard, considering that you can get several GB for few bucks. But SPIFFS has the advantage that you don't need any additional hardware.