A place to put your YouTube video that is ESP8266 related.

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By RuiSantos
#10131 Hello everyone,
Here's my latest project using the ESP8266 with NodeMCU firmware.
Basically the ESP8266 is creating a web server that you can access with device to toggle the ESP8266 GPIOs.
You can find all the details for this project in my website (code and schematics):
I hope you find this information useful. If you have any questions feel free to ask!
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By Saroz
#25515 Dear RuiSantos,

Thank for this tutorial, it working good
But im facing little problem , while turn ON the power to Esp-01 and initial outputs are high on GPIO-0 and GPIO-2, so its triggering the LED automatically for 1sec.
please give any solution for this issue
