Discuss here different C compiler set ups, and compiling executables for the ESP8266

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By scargill
#2555 This is going to sound dumb... loaded latest code.. don't understand the purpose of this lot..

blackblade > reset

And when I try to connect to my router, though iwscan sees it, It's not connecting

iwmode STA
iwconfig east-wing 1921681266

This should work - doesnt' - and doesn't seem to give any error.. just again what I assume are some kind of control characters (I'm using the Arduino serial monitor on PC)

blackblade > iwconnect east-wing 1921681974
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By Necromant
zz9pa wrote:Hi,
trying to compile this on the VM with the current 'git' code and I'm getting :

/home/esp8266/esp8266-frankenstein/antares/make/Makefile.build:8: /home/esp8266/esp8266-frankenstein/src/espconn//Makefile: No such file or directory
make[2]: *** No rule to make target `/home/esp8266/esp8266-frankenstein/src/espconn//Makefile'.
make[2]: Failed to remake makefile `/home/esp8266/esp8266-frankenstein/src/espconn//Makefile'.

Any ideas ?

(There is a netapps directory in git - which seems to include some espconn* files ?)

Hold on, I'll try to finally clean up the makefile and buildsystem this evening.
It's not very trivial or documented to setup it right now.
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By Necromant
scargill wrote:This is going to sound dumb... loaded latest code.. don't understand the purpose of this lot..

blackblade > reset

And when I try to connect to my router, though iwscan sees it, It's not connecting

iwmode STA
iwconfig east-wing 1921681266

This should work - doesnt' - and doesn't seem to give any error.. just again what I assume are some kind of control characters (I'm using the Arduino serial monitor on PC)

blackblade >

Code: Select alliwmode STA
iwconnect east-wing 1921681266

After - see ifconfig output to check that you're connected
If you prefer static ip configuration instead of dhcp:

Code: Select allsetenv sta-mode static
setenv sta-ip
setenv sta-netmask
setenv sta-gw

to revert back to dhcp:

Code: Select allsetenv sta-mode dhcp