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By pambucol
#25665 Hello,

I got my ESP8266 working and connecting to a wireless network.
I was also able to put the ESP8266 in server mode with:

The ESP8266 started listening on its IP address and the 1000 port.
I was able from a remote computer to open a socket and sent something to the ESP8266 and the ESP8266 received it. ... Hurray! ... But, ... It responds - as the documentation says - with "+IPD,0,8" where the 8 is the length of my message. I want to only receive what I sent. In the old modems that's called data mode. In this one I see there is a command that does just that: AT+CIPMODE=1. I sent that and some time it errors and when it responds OK the result is the same.
I see there is a tutorial how to attach the ESP8266 to a TCP server and then make it transparent by using the AT+CIPMODE=1 and then AT+CIPSEND.

I can't make this work in server mode. What am I doing wrong or what is the order of operations?