Rural wrote:the ESP-01 only exposed a single GPIO pin. In fact, it exposes three.
@Rural, where did you see that said ESP-01 has 3 GPIO? I thought it was only 2. Could not see that on either of your links, might have missed it.
I am having some serious problems with my ESP-01 at the moment, it won't run any sketches at all. But it worked before and worked great. Once I get it working again...
Anyway, as already mentioned, you can use many i2c devices with ESP-01, like temp/humidity/pressure sensors, I/O extenders, ADC extenders and so on. I plan to experiment with ATtiny85 and/or ATtiny84 as slave i2c devices. This would give a few extra analog/digital inputs/outputs if that is all that is required, and allow monitoring of inputs while the ESP is in deep sleep to save battery power. For example, I plan to measure wind speed & direction using some inexpensive sensors connected to an ATtiny, which can do this on minimal power. Every few minutes, I plan to have the ATtiny wake the ESP via the CH_PD pin. The ESP will then read the ATtiny's results over i2c bus, plus other i2c sensors, connect to wifi and send the results to a server.