Discuss here different C compiler set ups, and compiling executables for the ESP8266

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By RichardS
#26 Better would be is get you butt in gear and make it all work under GCC :-)
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By hackrid
admin wrote:Better would be is get you butt in gear and make it all work under GCC :-)

sure, but would debugging still be possible?

from what i can tell from the vm image: this is not esp8266 specific. or i didn't find it.

edit: as bert at hackadaypointed out, there seem to bee a ready to use compiler, but for linux systems only. the leaked sdk is for windows...
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By Bert
hackrid wrote:from what i can tell from the vm image: this is not esp8266 specific. or i didn't find it.

Well, take a look at C:/usr/xtensa/XtDevTools/install/builds/RC-2010.1-win32/lx106/src/xtensa-config-overlay.tar.gz. That file seems to be the hardware-specific overlay file for the ESP8266, providing a lot of nitty-gritty details about the inner operations of the CPU (and it allows gcc+binutils to be built for this specific configuration).

edit: as bert at hackadaypointed out, there seem to bee a ready to use compiler, but for linux systems only. the leaked sdk is for windows...

That compiler seems to be not as ready to use as I originally hoped for, but the aforementioned overlay file may change that drastically.