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By brutzler
#26082 Hi,
when you are developing websites for the ESP8266 as a webserver, what program do you use for this?
Actually I am using Notepad++ and do the HTML-coding with it.
But I think, there is better software to do this easier.
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By RogerClark
#26224 AFIK

Most people just use a normal editor like NotePad++.

There are commercial offerings like Adobe's Dreamweaver (which I used to use years ago), which is HYSISYG, but I find they make bloated code after a while.

For commercial development I normally go with a framework like Twitter Bootstrap and use JQuery etc etc, but you'd either need to link to an external CDN for the css's and JS or store them in SPIFFS or SD as they are quite large e.g hundreds of K of JS and CSS, so its not advisable to build them into your sketch as I've found putting loads of static data into the sketch tends to slow down the compile (well it does for static binary arrays)