just worked a little bit in ths way with my LCDs.
tried two different I2C-modules
- I2C lcd1602 from mjkdz
- LCD-I2C/SER with support of a keypad. PIC18F23 on it. Maybe from web4robot.com No more further docs or infos found.
and two different LCD-Displays (blue 20x4)
- JHD629-204A
- YM 2004A
Of course, I had to change the I2C-adress to the matching one.
Using the sketch of the thread starter
But the success is more than poor.
- crazy signs on the display. LCD-I2C/SER + JHD629-204A
- some crazy signs with very low contrast and no signs on the upper left area ( ~2x8 charakters) LCD-I2C/SER + YM 2004A
- flashing display (some times dark, than a short flash of the backlight.
I trried the modified "core_esp8266_si2c.c" but not better in any way.
What I am astonished. Using "LiquidCrystal_I2C.h" earlier on normal arduino, there was a lcd.init(). But this command is not recognized any more???
ESP8266 Arduino add-on
Arduino IDE 1.6.5