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By santosh sahu
#27375 Hi,

couple of days before i brought ESP8266_01 Wifi module. i installed NodeMCUfirmware ( 32 bit ), it showing MAC addres fine, and Flashing also done perfectly , when i m trying to upload LUA code via ESPlorer v0.1 build 206 , i am facing problem.

Esplorer say:
"" Waiting answer from ESP - Timeout reached. Send aborted. ""

my pin setup :
Vcc >> 3.24Volt
Tx >> Rx of USB
Rx >> Tx of USB
CH_PD >> 5K >> 3.24Volt
Gnd >> to GND
9600 baud Rate.
could any one guide, how to solve this issue.
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By 4refr0nt
santosh sahu wrote:Waiting answer from ESP - Timeout reached. Send aborted.

Please, try any other terminal programm. If problem not resolved - check connections and try another USB-TTL.
Try change MODE on settings tab in ESPloer.