Moderator: igrr
draco wrote:For the image file, I just wrote a tiny python script that read the file in byte by byte and spit out to the console each byte in decimal, separated by a comma. Then I copy/pasted that into a variable for the Arduino sketch. Sorry, I didn't think to save a copy of the python script...
Just FYI: xxd -i <sourcefile> <outputfile> will do exactly that. On Archlinux it comes with the vim package, dont know for other distributions.
sorry for my newbie question, I would like to use program memory space but the following code doesnt work:
#include <PgmSpace.h>
const char index_html[] PROGMEM = R"=====(
<head><title>ESP8266 Arduino Demo Page</title></head>
<body>ESP8266 power!<p><img src="logo.png"></body>
void setup() {
void loop() {
This is on ESP8266 e12 module with arduino IDE. When I run this code I get wdt error, can anyone correct this code? Thanks