- Sun Oct 18, 2015 10:55 am
I encountered the same problem as described in this discussion and found some additionnal details. Let me explain you what happenned.
In June, I received my first ESP8266-01 to test the device with arduino IDE. I also bought FTDI 3.3V USD adapter. It was quite quick to set up. I had only some trouble with the flash programming that gives errors, but usually after 2 or 3 retries, I could program and the device operate. I made a small sketch that send Temp/Humidity data to a server and I can remotly switch ON/OFF a LED using MQTT protocol. The system has been operating for 3 months without any trouble.
In July, I brought some other modules ESP01 and ESP12 to test more applications. I brought also spare breadboards and spare FTDI adapter. In case !!!
First I had a lot of difficulties to programm flash. I discovered that :
- if I change in USB Serial advanced parameter windows (WIN7) "reduce "length of frame" to 128 (reception and emission), I have more success to program.
But, even if I program, I was unable to make these new software ESP to run (blink, simple serial write...).
I uninstalled/reinstalled Arduino IDE, ESP pluging, even test staging version, but I couldn't make one of them run.
In septemberI brought new ESP01s. Before uploading my software into them, I tested them with the AT already programmed software. I could connect to my wifi network, everything seems fine. I tried to upload my software (OK) but nothing after power on, only garbage on the serial line.
I took my first ESP01, the only one I could program 3 month ago, and read flash with esptool. I have now its 512K image. I wanted to copy it into one of the other ESP01 but I can't. I always get an error at writting adress 0x8400. I tried with esptool.py but also with ESP FLASH DOWNLOAD TOOL V2.3. They give me the same adress error.
From an hardware point of view,
- GPIO0 Is pull-up via 10K with optional GND strap
- GPIO2 is pull-up with 6K, and a LED-330R in parralel
- RST : 3.3V
- CH-PD, pull up 10K with 100n capacitor to GND
-3.3V Decoupling with 10uF near ESP.
-independant 3.3V power supply
Here is where I am. If anybody has any idea, I would be very happy.