Example sketches for the new Arduino IDE for ESP8266

Moderator: igrr

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By somkoder
#28717 This is my take on web config for the ESP8266, it allows you to setup an admin password, and quickly switch between AP and Station modes. When set as Station, if it fails to connect to the router it automatically falls back to AP mode.

As a simple bonus, I added optional listening to UDP and/or TCP ports (that is useful to me, maybe useful to you as well).

The initial version source-code is available here:

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By krzychb
#28822 This is nice and slick library. I made it run in no time.
The code inside library is clean, well-organized and well commented. Do you need keywords.txt? No worries – it’s there :shock: Example is super minimalistic and this is great.
I could not resist mentioning the non-ordinary header dividers. They give this nice, small artistic touch to cold programming code that immediately attracted my attention :D
I love such nuggets!
Now I need to figure out a new ESP8266 project where I will use it :D
I am looking forward for more code from somkoder!