Use this forum to chat about hardware specific topics for the ESP8266 (peripherals, memory, clocks, JTAG, programming)

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By eriksl
#29169 It might be better to add debouncing capacitors though. Be warned, capacitance should be abount 100 nF, which is almost always available as polyester capacitor with very low ESR. This means that if you short circuit it, it will draw or supply A LOT of current, for a very short time. Depending on how the capacitor is connected, this may damage i/o pins. So either make sure the capacitor won't charge or discharge over the i/o pin, or add a resistor to limit the current.
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By fnakano
kenn wrote:On my ESP-01 test rig, RST and GPIO0 are pulled up by 4.7k resistors, and both RST and GPIO0 have momentary pushbuttons to ground. I can reset the ESP-01 at any time by just pressing the reset button, and I can enter programming mode by depressing reset and GPIO0 buttons together, then releasing the reset button first (so that GPIO0 is low when the unit comes out of reset).

Worked without fail for several months now.

I had some inconsistent results with ESP-01 also. AWall's "recipe" worked only once for me. Resetting ESP after connecting and before flashing worked great. Maybe input pins are too sensitive (no/weak pullup) I reset ESP just touching RST pin with my finger. Maybe leaving RST pulled up with a resistor, instead of floating, should be a recommendation...

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By Stampede
#29253 Image

How does this fare as a rough drawing on how to wire our FTDI to ESP8266 connections?
BTW does anyone have a good breadboard layout program they use, I have Multisim, but I don't know if that would apply well in this case.
Anyway so this is what I gather to be the best layout for programming the ESP-01 model chip. Resistors should be 4.6k - 10k, I've seen a range suggested, and the debounce capacitors can be somewhere around 100 nF.