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By kenn
#29295 On mine, I didn't put capacitors across the pushbuttons on Reset and GPIO0. You're not tapping them, you give the buttons a good solid push (1+ seconds) and release. To go into programming mode, press both; release Reset after a second, then GPIO0 after another second. Most debouncing these days is in firmware.

The 'debounce' caps could cause wierd behaviour when the board is powered up, if the RC combination holds GPIO0 low long enough to put the board into program mode at powerup.
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By martinayotte
#29296 In some case, maybe caps are worth.
But here, I agree with Kenn :
First the GPIO0, it doesn't care if it is no debounce since it is read to figure out the Boot mode only during faction of time during reset. Second, the RES pin itself, if there are bounces, it will simply reset multiple time until the last bounce, so except if your firmware is counting the number of reset been done, it is not an issue.
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By kenn
Stampede wrote:Image

How does this fare as a rough drawing on how to wire our FTDI to ESP8266 connections?

Your resistors haven't been connected properly as pullups to 3.3v. And your pushbuttons short Vcc to ground.

See me after class. :ugeek:
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By Stampede
#29298 Image

So I've updated the picture to reflect the additional pull up resistors. I also added that the capacitors as optional. I'm inclined to think they're optional also but I want to try it first hand and see if I burn out a board before I make a solid decision.

Thanks for your help guys, I think this helps a lot. I'm going to try it and return with my results.