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By EspFan
#29586 I wrote a new driver to talk to the BME280 sensor over i2c:

I designed it after the driver in CHERTS SDK for the BMP180, you can copy the BMP180 example and drop in this driver and example code to run it.

The code is still a little rough around the edges. If anyone can test it and help identify issues I would greatly appreciate it.

This works with the DIYMall GY-BME breakout board, and probably also the Adafruit version.

Thanks!! BME280
"The BME280 is an integrated environmental sensor developed specifically for mobile applications where size and low power consumption are key design constraints. The unit combines individual high linearity, high accuracy sensors for pressure, humidity and temperature"
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By exposure
#48808 For the life of me I can't get I2C working on my ESP-201. I also tried Adafruit & Sparkfun libraries. Nowhere I found a working example. Of course it could be the's what I tried/used:

- Arduino IDE 1.6.9
- ESP8266 (Built In) library v1.0.0
- EspFan's library (
- GY-BMEP breakout board with Bosch BME280

Apparently the board runs on 0x76 address like the libraries default. I connected SDA > GPIO4 and SCL > GPIO5 which should also be the default pins in the wire library as far as I understand.

However, all I get on the serial port is: "Could not find BME280 sensor!"

I've tried 2 different sensors. Maybe they're both broken but I find that unlikely. I don't have another I2C sensor here right now to test but my guess is, it's a communication problem?

Maybe someone could at least confirm my wiring is correct on the ESP-201 and if software adjustments are required to make it work...feeling quite frustrated...
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By schufti
#50278 Hi,
it's a little late but some chinese shops sold BMP280 labeled BME280 so try i2c scanner to see
a) if your i2c wiring is ok *
b) what address the sensor shows up (BM P/E)

Edit: * there is a pin on BME280 to use same address as BMP280, this seems to be the cause for this confusion.
Looks like adafruit decided to ship their modules configured this way, at least adafruit BME280 lib comes with BMP280 address by default.