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By Hari K
#29863 Hi,

Just wanted to share with the community that we released our product zmote, a Wi-FI to IR bridge that uses ESP8266, yesterday. zmote is a little gadget that you can place in your living room and that let's control your TV, Set-top-Box etc from your phone or PC using a regular browser.

We used Spritetm's libesphttpd, Tuan PM's esp_mqtt and Richard Burtons's rboot in building the firmware. Many thanks, gentlemen.

zmote is released as an open source product. In case you are interested in using the ESP8266 for IR transmit and receive, you'll find several things that you can use from our code:

We also have a few other things that may be of more general interest. Let me know if I can help with anything in particular. There are also other system components (the server side stuff, mqtt broker, angularjs-based front end) that might be of interest. Here's the system block diagram. I'd be very interested in your thoughts/comments on how we've structured this.

The product itself is available for sale on tindie.
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By Hari K
#29866 That's right, Altu. There's just the ESP8266, or more specifically the ESP-01 module. The rest of the components are all discretes (IR leds, TSOP, regulator, etc.). I have a schematic linked to the tindie listing. Complete schematics and other PCB design files are on github.
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By Hari K
#32468 Some quick project updates

  1. Follow our Hackaday project for details and more frequent updates
  2. zmote now supports iTach API. This allows it to work with many remote controller apps, not just our own
  3. Better documentation on the REST API. This is useful if you want to get it working with, say, Node-RED on your RasPi or IFTTT