Chat about current Lua tools and IDEs

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By 4refr0nt
flagtrax wrote:"Save As" button doesn't seem to do anything. Normally I dialog box would pop up asking what to save a file as. I don't see anything happening.

Yes. This function will be work in future versions
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By flagtrax
#29981 Great, I also notice some buttons below the editor window have "popup" hints when you hover, some don't. Two that confuse me are both labeled "view on ESP". Are these future items as well?
The fonts can be changed in the editors, but for an "old" guy the fonts on the buttons and UI in general are small, even at full screen view, can that be addressed? I love the functionality of it!
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By ardhuru
#30174 I have a suggestion that I think would be very useful.

When you right click on a file in the file manager panel to edit a certain file, it opens as 'New' in the editor panel. Would it be possible to open it with its own name?

Regards, and thanks for a *great* tool.
