Example sketches for the new Arduino IDE for ESP8266

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By kas
I'm not convinced I have the same *h *cpp source code as you but I'm mostly sure I have the same IDE and compiler.

Make sure there is only one MQTT.h / MQTT.cpp on your machine

This is my pubsubclient-master folder
Move (don't rename) your folder to a safe place, unzip my files in ...\Arduino\libraries, and test
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By picstart
#30004 Make sure there is only one MQTT.h / MQTT.cpp on your machine ..done

This is my pubsubclient-master folder
Move (don't rename) your folder to a safe place, unzip my files in ...\Arduino\libraries, and test '....done

There are far fewer compile errors but still there is probably a hidden dependency on a file containing type defs that results in the compile error below.
My compiling is with Windows 7 pro 64 bit ....Are you compiling with Unix?
Kas ....Thanks for helping


In file included from C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\libraries\pubsubclient-master\src/PubSubClient.h:17:0,
from MQTT_led_V1.06.ino:18:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\libraries\pubsubclient-master\src/MQTT.h:278:33: error: '__FlashStringHelper' does not name a type
Publish(String topic, const __FlashStringHelper* payload);
C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\libraries\pubsubclient-master\src/MQTT.h:278:54: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of 'payload' with no type [-fpermissive]
Publish(String topic, const __FlashStringHelper* payload);
Error compiling.[/code]
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By kas
#30033 OK, last try ;)

For some reasons, you may have an outdated WString.h
Make sure you only have one WString.h/WString.cpp on your machine
Please replace WString.h/WString.cpp with mines
They should be burried there: C:\Users\...\AppData\...\Arduino15\packages\esp8266\hardware\esp8266\1.6.5-...\cores\esp8266\
Let me know the outcome, I am really eager to have this matter solved

FWIW, this page may be of interest
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By picstart
#30048 Most IDE's are unduly convoluted ( way too many files and interdependence between files) Arduino is no exception. I come from a PIC development system in which stable coding encourages few *h files and few inter dependencies between *h and *c files.
In that regard Arduino provides a window on the dependencies actually used but can only point out the inconsistencies via error in the compilation.
Below is the verbose information from the failed compile.
Please replace WString.h/WString.cpp with mines
They should be burried there: C:\Users\...\AppData\...\Arduino15\packages\esp8266\hardware\esp8266\1.6.5-...\cores\esp8266\...done

The error persists

[code]Arduino: 1.6.5 (Windows 7), Board: "Generic ESP8266 board"

Using library ESP8266WiFi in folder: C:\Users\******\Documents\Arduino\hardware\arduino-esp8266-master\esp8266\libraries\ESP8266WiFi
Using library PubSubClient in folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\libraries\pubsubclient-master
Using library Ticker in folder: C:\Users\******\Documents\Arduino\hardware\arduino-esp8266-master\esp8266\libraries\Ticker

C:\Users\******\Documents\Arduino\hardware\arduino-esp8266-master/tools/xtensa-lx106-elf/bin/xtensa-lx106-elf-g++ -D__ets__ -DICACHE_FLASH -IC:\Users\******\Documents\Arduino\hardware\arduino-esp8266-master/tools/sdk//include -c -Os -mlongcalls -mtext-section-literals -fno-exceptions -fno-rtti -std=c++11 -MMD -DF_CPU=80000000L -DARDUINO=10605 -DARDUINO_ESP8266_ESP01 -DARDUINO_ARCH_ESP8266 -IC:\Users\******\Documents\Arduino\hardware\arduino-esp8266-master\esp8266\cores\esp8266 -IC:\Users\******\Documents\Arduino\hardware\arduino-esp8266-master\esp8266\variants\esp01 -IC:\Users\******\Documents\Arduino\hardware\arduino-esp8266-master\esp8266\libraries\ESP8266WiFi\src -IC:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\libraries\pubsubclient-master\src -IC:\Users\******\Documents\Arduino\hardware\arduino-esp8266-master\esp8266\libraries\Ticker C:\Users\******\AppData\Local\Temp\build3416804306679904140.tmp\MQTT_led_V1.06.cpp -o C:\Users\******\AppData\Local\Temp\build3416804306679904140.tmp\MQTT_led_V1.06.cpp.o
In file included from C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\libraries\pubsubclient-master\src/PubSubClient.h:17:0,
from MQTT_led_V1.06.ino:23:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\libraries\pubsubclient-master\src/MQTT.h:278:33: error: '__FlashStringHelper' does not name a type
Publish(String topic, const __FlashStringHelper* payload);
C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\libraries\pubsubclient-master\src/MQTT.h:278:54: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of 'payload' with no type [-fpermissive]
Publish(String topic, const __FlashStringHelper* payload);
Error compiling.
Kas again thanks for helping with this