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By jeffrey92
#29958 Hey there. I saw that the SPI section is a bit lacking. I've had success getting SPI to work using this library:

I believe he also has a repo for an spi expander chip, so maybe you can add something about that.

Also, no mention of the open-sdk. Some of the more advanced projects are built upon that.
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By kolban
#29983 Howdy @jeffrey92,
All GREAT points and items that I hope to start turning attention to. For the last month Ive been focusing on the port of Espruino (JavaScript) to ESP8266 but now that is nearing conclusion, I can return to the book. The book is literally a hobby for me which means that it gets tinkered with as time is available and as I sense core questions on the forums.

I haven't personally studied Lua yet as Ive been looking at JS but given the momentum that I have previously seen on Lua, it needs to be documented. For SPI, I'll look and see what's there and what is missing.

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By jeffrey92
#30020 @kolban

I can definitely understand that, and the work you've done already is fantastic. Thank you!

From what I've seen SPI is one of the lesser documented/discussed features, and can be tricky even on something like the Arduino platform. I'm actually working on a startup using ESP8266 chips and, naturally, I've been curating my own documentation related to our project. So if you're interested I could contribute to some of the sections, or at least send you my notes.
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By kolban
#30023 Howdy @jeffrey92,
I'm always delighted to receive contributions of knowledge. What I'd suggest you do is write up your own paper on SPI in ESP8266 and publish a Blog article upon it. I think you'll probably find that the most rewarding thing in satisfaction that you can do. This "book" of mine ... I try and keep it to words that I have originated less there be any questions down the road. I doubt that it will be anywhere close to the last word on knowledge on ESP8266 and hope that others don't get put off by it such that it would prevent them from writing better and clearer articles.