- Fri Nov 21, 2014 3:50 am
Hey, thanks for this, i will update tutorial later. The reason i used cygwin is that some Makefiles for esp8266 projects were using absolute unix paths and called programs like /bin/cat and I wanted them to work too with as little modifications as possible.
It would be good to have some standard for Makefile variables, like XTENSA_TOOCHAIN(some people use XTENSA_TOOLS_ROOT), SDK_BASE, EXTRA_INCDIR, and also ESPTOOL.
There's also a problem with esptool, well, there are 2 esptools, one is esptool for creating firmware binaries and onther one is esptool.py for uploading binaries to device over serial. I saw some people are reffering with Makefile ESPTOOL variable to binary tool while others to esptool.py.