A place to put your YouTube video that is ESP8266 related.

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By freedom2000
#30483 Hi,

Here is a small APP I wrote to drive APA102 LedStrips.

ESP8266 Hardware SPI is used to control the Strip.
I wrote an Android App to read images and send "lines" to the board via UDP.

Speed is really perfect for this kind of applications.

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By danbicks
#30961 Hi JP,

Excellent work as always. I am planning on adding a NEO Pixel channel to my lighting controller but only to set the brightness of the strip and color based on a couple of seekbars in B4A.

Have you a simple copy of the code that runs on the ESP simply to drive the strip and set color and brightness.
Had a look through and not sure what Library to use and how this connects to the ESP. I was hopping that the data line even though the strip runs on 5volts would work of the standard IO 3.3volt pin for data control.

Any pointers buddy would be brilliant.

