Here we can all chat about fixing the AT+ command structure and the associated responses.

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By igrr
#3178 @pvvx
As I mentioned above, the 255 bytes limitation is not on the network side. It is related to DCE command buffer length. And frankly, I don't see a problem here, the payload can be split into several +CIPSENDI commands.
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By jonn26
#3182 Hi igrr,

Great work on the new AT firmware so far! I am using ATV0 mode but noticed that unsolicited result codes such as +CIPDR & +CIPRD still have a /cr/lf postfix instead of just a /cr.

This complicates detecting/parsing output from the esp8266 on my connected teensy microcontroller. It would be great if there was a mode where all strings coming from the esp8266 just end in a /cr.

Also, can't wait until MQTT is working as well :D

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By igrr
#3185 Thanks Jon, I wonder how that bug went unnoticed so long! Will fix that today.

Regarding MQTT, well, sadly I didn't have an opportunity to finish that. I've started porting PubSubClient into C at some point. But now we've got a C++ compiler for esp8266 working, porting is no longer necessary. Just need to replace Arudino network API calls with calls to lwIP or espconn. If you feel like writing some c/c++ code, we can discuss that :)