Discuss here different C compiler set ups, and compiling executables for the ESP8266

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By matherp
#32684 Hi all

A newbie with newbie questions I'm afraid :oops:

I've installed everything as per the great instructions and got the compiler up and running. I can build things like" blinky" and "Hello World" and they work fine.

I've been editing the makefiles to set them to com6 and 0c7c000/0x7e000 as com6 is my com port and I'm testing on a 512KB ESP-01.

First question: is there a way for this to be done automatically such that the makefiles are regenerated for my configuration?

Now the big issue: none of the more complicated examples work properly. I've built and loaded at_v0.20_on_SDKv0.9.4. This correctly echoes back whatever I type on Teraterm but does nothing: i.e. AT<CR> should give me back OK but I get nothing.

I've read the post about the change to ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR. Is this the problem? Do I need to go through all the example files and remove/replace it with:
ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR __attribute__((section(".irom0.text")))

or is there something else that I'm missing?

My experience with IDEs is Keil and CoIDE and I must confess I find Eclipse somewhat opaque in comparison.

All suggestions and help appreciated
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By Xanthurum
#32819 I have followed the instruction from the youtube video "Creating a new project in Eclipse Luna for ESP8266 using Unofficial DevKit".
But i have no idea what to fill in for "ProjDirPath" and ofcourse I get an error when I try to build the file. If possible, could someone explain the meaning of the build command.

mingw32-make.exe -f $(ProjDirPath]/Makerfile$ all
mingw32-make.exe: $(ProjDirPath]/Makerfile$: No such file or directory
mingw32-make.exe: * No rule to make target '$(ProjDirPath]/Makerfile$'. Gestopt.

All suggestions and help appreciated
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By masacate
#32916 Hi,
I have just update to your "Project Unofficial Development Kit for Espressif ESP8266" to use the neqw RTOS 1.3 version, the problem it is that when I compile the esp_rtos_sdk_example_2 I received the error
"ld.exe: build/app.out section `.irom0.text' will not fit in region `irom0_0_seg' collect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status"
whith rthe other example "esp_rtos_sdk_example" everithink is right

is it something related to the makefile, the rtos sdk or I miss something
Has someone tried to compile it?

some help, please