- Mon Nov 02, 2015 11:58 pm
Well, again, all I can say is thank you.
I promise I'm not dense, but honestly I don't have a good "feel" for most of this stuff yet. But you've given me a lot to go on. I think your solution of using a single GPIO pin and switching betwen input/output seems nice as it's only one pin.
I know it probably seems simple to you, but I was just hoping to get away from having to do any more figuring out with the pin situation. So now I guess I just need to decide if I switch GPIO 0 with something "fancy", or if I just go straight into using a multiplexor. (I know there is also the "charlieplexing" solution but for whatever reason that doesn't appeal to me as much..).
I'm going to think about this and read a bit more and bread board the first solution. If that works well and it's not a huge pain to use the GPIO0 pin AND program with it, then I'll probably just go that rought!
Again, thanks, and any other tips/advice is much appreciated