The use of the ESP8266 in the world of IoT

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By FlexSlowly
#33554 Hi, new to the ESP8266 but have done a lot of stuff with Arduino and general programming.

Just been reading about the ESP being able to send data from a temp sensor, but so far have not found adequate explanations.

I want to have three temp sensors (DHT-22/LM35) in three rooms. I need them to constantly stream and ID and the Temp so I can then turn on/off room heaters.

I am guessing that as an ID each ESP will have a unique IP, then I just need the data stream back to a router wifi specifically dedicated to this project.

Is this easily possible or am I totally misunderstanding what the ESP is capable of without an Arduino attached?

I see mostly ESP8266-01 on Amazon, will that be adequate?

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By eduperez
#33644 Yes, everything you mention seems quite doable using ESPs; just my two cents:

  • Have a look at MQTT and OpenHab.
  • You can use the MAC address from each device as an ID, or you can just upload a different sketch to each device.
  • An ESP device can run Arduino sketches, so you do not need a separate Arduino device.
  • If you plan to run your devices on batteries, be sure to buy devices that support the deep sleep mode (like the ESP-12) instead of the ESP-01.

Hope this helps.
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By FlexSlowly
eduperez wrote:Yes, everything you mention seems quite doable using ESPs; just my two cents:

[*]If you plan to run your devices on batteries, be sure to buy devices that support the deep sleep mode (like the ESP-12) instead of the ESP-01.

Thanks, I will track down those suggestions. I was kind of hoping I could buy cheap kit already set up to just transmit temps.