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By Sagos
#33900 Hey guys, i have got some problem with my esp8266

i create www URL with (("http://"+ip+":"+port+........+"vin5="+"13"+"/?"+"vin6="+"15"+"/?"+"vin7="+"14"))

and when i try to get all of this data i get only half of them;/

+IPD,0,184:GET /?vin1=6/?vin2=50/?vin3=63/?vin4=90/?vi Ke-lvUerAet pceHtpletUAAIAL jv .)

Why does the rest data lost? I use 9600 baud for SoftwareSerial.h and AT commands.
How can i send more data than 164- 184 ? Is it a problem with this library ?

Thanks so much guys :)