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By Benik3
#34060 Hello there!

I'm new in ESP8266 and I need a little help from you...
I would like to make at home remote controlled thermostat with ESP8266.

How my setup should looks like:
The main ESP8266 connected to my home WiFi AP with DS18B20 1-wire temperature sensor and running some small web server with ability to watch actual temperature and set wanted temperature + hysteresis.
On the other side will be second ESP8266(also connected to my AP) which will just switch on and off relay and will be controlled by the first ESP.

Do you think, that is possible to make something like this? :)
I tried to search through internet, but in similar project they always use Arduino, which is not needed in my opinion, because ESP have enough of power and pins...
Also I'm running OpenWRT on the AP, if it will help (e.g. run some web server directly on the router?)

Thank you for any help! :)
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By Mmiscool
#34096 Thermostat part is relativity simple.

Talking from one esp to the other can also be done.

Code: Select allwget("http://xx.xx.xx.xx/msg?pin=2&stat=1&action=po")

could be added to the example shown above.

On the other esp you could modify the example here.
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By Benik3
#34108 Thanks!
I will look at it and try something and report few days later (I don't have much time but I will try it! :) )
The basic language looks for me little better then the LUA from NodeMCU (I know only C++ and a little of C#).

I thought about some system like MSG URL, it's nice to see it existing :)
BTW the wget function is working as "upload" of instruction? (so that mean that I will send the wget from the main ESP with DS18b20 to the second one with the relay?).

Thank you for your time :)
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By Mmiscool
#34128 The wget command will fetch the url from the other device. The act f fetching that URL causes the other device to check it for the stuff after the ?. This allows for the communication between the 2 devices.