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Moderator: Mmiscool

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By heckler
#34644 Would it be possible to have the IDE display remaining "Heap" size? (if that is the correct term)
or possibly it would be better to make it a command that one can add to the end of code that you are experimenting with (then you can eliminate it if you don't want it)

For now I am only experimenting with the ESP-01 module with 512K

One of the things that comes to mind as you develop this awesome BASIC is to try and avoid "Code Bloat"

An additional question would be... Is it possible to merge or include other types of commands that are not BASIC in ones code or in a separate file that you call from your BASIC program??

Or is it the case that once one loads the BASIC OS then all code must be in BASIC
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By Mmiscool
#34645 Looks like I might be able to implement this as there is some information available using this in the arduino environment. ... -structure

Will need to look in to this.

As to loading separate binary's for ad on functions I don't think that ill be feasible at the moment.
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By Mmiscool
#34733 Uploaded a new version v1.51 tonight. It includes a function
Code: Select all flashfree()

it can be used as follows to show the remain number of bytes available to the file system.

Code: Select allprint flashfree()
User avatar
By heckler
#34738 You, my friend, are awesom!

I'll give it a try.

One suggestion/request would be to encourage everyone to post MORE code examples for others to learn from.

One challenge I find is just learning how to put various parts of code together to make something that actually works.

Reviewing / studying others working examples (no matter how small) is an essential part of learning. Even if the examples are very simple demonstrations of each of the new commands as they are added.

The published EXAMPLES over on your home page are good but, for me, there's just not quite enough to really get going.

Thanks again!
